A little update on the family:
Ry ~ He finished off the school year on the Honor Roll. He has just done amazing since 2nd grade when we started doing some changes. He also got a 5 out of 6 on the three components of the FCAT test, which from what I understand is outstanding. When I took him for his Annual Check up his Ped was so very proud of him and sung his praises multiple times. The boy was grinning from ear to ear. He has also finished up his Webelos I rank in Cub Scouts, by February/March of next year he will cross over into Boy Scouts. I am so excited for him, but it will be different as this is more of a journey about and BY him. We will still be there for him, but it will just be a different format. He is really looking forward to Fall Soccer, he moves up to a new age group which sometimes is intimidating because he is low man on the totem pole. We have decided to pass on the Competive team since Gas is so expensive. We also visited the allergist this week and has been very healthy... Thankfully one of three. LOL!!!
Eth~ Well this year was a struggle for him. Alot had to do with the fact that his 1st grade teacher last year was very off task with the reading. So he started behind the ball, he made a lot of progress with help from his teacher (what an angel) and his reading buddy through Big Brother/Big Sister. So hopefully with a little help this summer we will get him up to speed for school. He has finished his Wolf Rank in Cub Scouts and is going to be a Bear next year. With becoming a Bear comes more opportunities. He is really loving it and this summer we are going to work on some of his belt loops. And of course he is sooo looking forward to Fall Soccer. I am curious to see if he becomes intimidated because has again moved up to a new division (like Ryan) and normally that sets them back a bit. But he is excited that he is now in Rec Soccer and there are GOALIES!!!! LOL! We have had a really rough fall/winter/spring with him, he has been on many steriods and antibotics and we need to figure a way to manage him in order to keep him healthy. So the allergist did a lung function test and while his capacity is good some function of the lungs is at 48% and should be 75% or better. So for now we have added Advair 2x a day in hopes to keep him healthy, we go back in July to see his progress.
Meg~ Lets see... School well she made it on to 1st grade BARELY. Her teacher was less than impressive and I seemed to have to jump through hoops of fire to get what I requested done. We have 2 student evaluation meetings and thankfully the guidance counsler understood my side. She made a lot of progressive the last marking period because of my request of a reading buddy, more support work for him and the teacher to make some adjustments. I really feel it could have been so much better, so we are praying for a better teacher this coming year. She has had a great year with Daisy Scouts. They were able to do a service project for a family in need, I was very proud of her generosity. We are looking forward to next year when we sell cookies. And Meg played fall and spring soccer (the boys only played fall soccer). Daddy coached the Spring soccer to give us an opportunity to see if she wants to proceed in Fall again. We are on the fence, I might try something through the community center. We went to the allergist with her and last year when she was tested they determined that she has a low Immune System. We also discovered that her tetanis shot did not hold, so I took her for another shot. I had to take her to have her blood drawn to see if she held that shot and will figure out how to proceed from her. Unfortantely just like her mother and one brother she is sick a good bit of the time. We have had a lot of behavioral issues with her and are just trying to figure out something that works with her. She also displays many of the ADHD stuff that her big brother, so I feel us going down this road again.
R and C ~ We are hanging in here, it has been a very difficult year. The business has suffered greatly. We have picked up a little business but have lost double or more of the business we gained. Its a very hard time for many families. Our home is in the process of being sold, the payments are just greater than what we can do at this time. But home is where the family is so we will survive. I worked in an insurance office as a secretary from August until the last day in May. I enjoyed it but due to childcare costs outweighing my paycheck I am at home for the summer with the kids. I have also accepted a Subsitute Teacher position with the school district. I am hoping that I will be able to get a more permanent position with benefits but for now this is a good opportunity to work the same hours as my kids. R has many projects in the fire... LOL!!! He has acquired a FREE RV... so that should give you an idea of how much work will likely be involved in it. We plan to put it up on our property in Ocala, so that when we visit we have a place to stay. He has also planned and is occasionally gone up to start storage shed to put some of our stuff in for the transition. We hope that by next summer we will permanently be residing on the land. Oh I also have a new set a wheels or should I say a well loved set of wheels... LOL!!! I now own a 96 Town & Country Van. It has a lot of quirks that we are working through (so add another project to Rob's list... OY!) We are coming up on the one year anniversary of my mom going to heaven. Its been a rough year full of bumps and tears, and I think coming closer to that date has just made it that raw again. On a bright note, my Mother in Law, has come to live with us. It has been a fairly easy transition and its nice to have family closer.
Well that is about all for now, if you made it this far you are a Saint. Thanks for stopping by... We will be off to Alabama next week for our yearly family trip. The lake is full of water this year and we are soooooo excited! I will have lots of pictures to share when I return.