Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Ok, guess its been a while since I have been here.  I will try to backdate some post to make a progression of time.  First off let me just say this weather is glorious.  My only complaint is it puts me in a daze and its hard to keep myself motivated. LOL!! Not a bad complaint, huh.  Things are moving along with the modular, 2 weeks ago we FINALLY got our building permit.  Since the county is now requesting a permenant foundation to go under the three buildings, my hard working man decided to save some money and hired a neighbor to come help him dig where the ribbons of foundation will go UNDER the existing set up building.  If we were to move it and do it the easier way it would have cost us around 3k.  This way we are hoping it will be more like 1500.  But time will tell.  This weekend he is putting rebar in and hopefully we will get with the contractor after that to work on getting the concrete and the buildings on rails to shift them backwords onto their new foundations.  I will be thrilled when we are done with this part and starting to work on the interior.  Which is a LOT also, but if we can just get what the county needs done we can work on the rest while we are living there.  The problems in the rental have been many and I unfortantely just am continually sick.  So that is my lil update... Not even sure anyone is reading at this point, but I guess it gives me a space to vent and also keep track of timing on stuff.

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