Monday, August 4, 2008

Fish Farm Adventure....

So we went over to the west coast of Florida to our friends house for part of the weekend and then to see my Dad and his wife for the other part. It was really a nice time. Of course we got in friday evening and the kids we so excited that we couldn't get them to sleep till after 11pm. As you can imagine they were a bit testy the next day. LOL! We got up and ate a wonderful breakfast and went out to look at a 5 acre parcel that has a fish farm, house and another living quarters on the property. There is also another 5 acres behind it up for sale. The property has probably 20 greenhouses w/ some permenant and some moveable concrete ponds. Of course the big boys (Rob and his friend) are very excited about the possiblities. I checked out the house and its definately a possiblility, flooring would have to be removed, walls painted and general cleaning. So hoping the numbers crunch right with his friend and it works out. A HUGE plus is to be closer to my Dad, stepmom and even my sister and her boys (who will be moving back next month from Texas). I guess I am afraid to be to invested in this idea. So if this all pans out the land in Ocala will go up for sale and we will transition that direction instead. The above are a few pictures. We left sunday am and went to my Dad and stepmom's house. It was nice to see them and his house is shaping up (after the explosion last year in the garage). We had a nice lunch on the river and walked around the outdoor shopping. After we got all the motorcycle rides in (you know we can't leave with out that, the girl was begging for another too. LOL) we had to hit the road and get on home. Nice weekend.

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