Monday, December 1, 2008

Turkey Day and Beyond...

Well my lil sister came into town wednesday late. And thursday we went to my stepdad and his fiancee's home for Turkey dinner. It was very yummy and we have leftovers to prove it, ok so we HAD leftovers they are more or less gone now. LOL!!! Friday I got up and did some BlackFriday shopping, we buzzed around the house and then took the kids and a friend to see Madagscar 2, very cute movie. Saturday am we got up early and took a run to see the property in Punta Gorda the boys have a contract on. Its really beautiful and quite peaceful inspite of a little road noise from the highway. The kids had a blast, they took the paddle boat out to the island and played king of the hill, well the older boys did. LOL! Even my Dad made it out to check it all out. Then we enjoyed some time at the house and went to a Christmas event in Fort Myers in the evening where our friends son played with his recorder group from school. Sunday we got up went and attempted to fish a bit but a) we forgot the cast net and b) the fish weren't bitting due to the weather. We got a bite to eat the house and then headed back towards my Dad and stepmom's house for a visit with them, my sister, brother in law and nephews. It was nice to see everyone and then off we went back home again. We are all pretty well tired. But that is my update for now. Pictures will follow tomorrow. Night!!!

1 comment:

Manders said...

Sounds like you had a good time too!!