Thursday, August 2, 2007

Well our trip to Alabama, was nice. We stopped on saturday and had lunch with my dad and step mom. It was nice to see them both and the kids enjoyed seeing them. Then we buzzed on down the road and got in around 6pm. I started unpacking and the boys headed out to do some fishing. Sunday am we set up for Rob's cousin's suprise party, while the kids played at the beach (the clubhouse is right on the "beach"). We got a little jet skiing in and went to the party. After the party his cousins came back to the trailor and we went for a walk on a beachy area that is normally covered with water. Rob took the kids out on the jetski and tubing. Ethan unfortantely went flying in the air, flipped over and came face first to the lake. He was ok, but mad because a) his face hurt and b) he lost his loose tooth. LOL!!! The tooth fairy rewarded him handsomely with $5 after Mom wrote a letter. Anyway the next day we did a bit of fishing (we did some on sunday too), went to see Grandma at the nursing home who was actually a little talkative and then came back jet skiid, grilled and went for ice cream. We also for the most part got everything ready to go for the next day. Got up at 7 am (8 am our time) and took off by 8 am (9am our time). We stopped through Ocala which was quite eventful since it evoked a lot of memories of my mom. We also found out we are upside down on our land :( And then we were one car away from an almost head on car accident. Holy Smokeys!!! That was super scary. Anyhow, we finished our trip home sorta somber after the "almost accident" Its funny because your life really does flash in front of you.
Today has been sort of a laid back day. But I did apply for a job through the school system and I am working on a couple other positions within the school district. Other than that not much else to report. Just getting the kids ready for school that starts in 18 days!!! Tommorrow is an Allergy Testing Day for all three kidlets... Wish Rob and I luck, its gonna stink because they all know what they are in store for.

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